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February 10, 2004

Weekly Recap

Whew, looks like i have some demanding readers already... and i guess that's not a bad thing for me. So, here's what i've seen/heard (in semi-chronological order):

-- a steel girder lying in somebody's front yard: yes, an 8-foot long I-beam of steel, which according to this page weights almost 1000 lbs (tho i'm not sure about that figure). How in the world did it get there, and where did it come from (i didn't see it missing from any nearby structures...) ?

-- an intersection incident out of the twilight zone: at Hill & Division St.'s there is a stoplight, and traffic in one lane was waiting to turn left. Usually the left-hand traffic has to wait until the light almost turns red (during busy times), and wait they did, but after the light turned red, the oncoming cars just kept going thru the red light, one after the other, over 6 cars worth. And the the left-turn car starts laying on his horn... this strange site plus constant horn-wailing was just overwhelmingly odd. And so what did the left-turning car eventually do? Once it was clear, he turned through the same red light that the people upsetting him were going thru! So either the lights weren't coordinated or something freaky was going on...

-- [courtesy of my business school roommate who saw this:] You know that your efforts to get a job go too far when you unceremoniously pull a 2-liter bottle of Pepsi out of a paper bag in a nice restaurant when the server replies that the restaurant only serves Coke, because you somehow think this will impress the interviewer whom invited your group of prospective employees there. The interviewer's company to whom you are applying? Pepsi. (To call this lame is beyond an understatement...)

-- squirrels (yes again) CRAWLING UP a lady's pant-leg in an attempt to find some food she may or may not have had in her coat. (In the squirrels' defense, she had opened a container of *baked beans* for them, which i don't think is a popular dish in the squirrel family...)

Hope this lasts for a few days... thanks for reading and commenting :)

Posted by MaTT at February 10, 2004 07:21 PM


I'd appreciate it if you'd elaborate on the baked beans.

Posted by: Pauly D at February 10, 2004 07:30 PM

Um, from what i could see, the beans were orangish-brown, both of the small and large kind, about a half-pound of them in a supermarket-style clear plastic container, sitting open on the ground. Or did you mean the situation? :)

The situation was: i was walking casually down the sidewalk, staring aimlessly around as my parents used to chastise me about, and i see this 50-some yr old lady giving special attention to these two squirrels, one of which was sitting on its back haunches like a dog, extending its nose toward her outstretched hand, and even grabbing toward it like a dog begging for a treat. Then, much unlike a dog, the squirrel attached itself to the lady's baggy sweatpants and started crawling up. The lady was not the least shocked -- this must happen to her alot, as she explained (half to me and half to the squirrels) that while she usually has food for them, all she had today were the baked beans, which she generously donated to them. After realizing it wasn't going anywhere, the squirrel jumped off, but continued to extend the lady particular attention, in the way that only animals (or really poor, hungry college students) can do. Having fed these extremely friendly squirrels myself and knowing a bit about this kinda thing (i must get this from my grandfather, who did a similar thing via his porch), i continued walking, marking the leg-climbing incident as merely another crazy squirrel behavior that will likely be topped soon enough by something else here... :)

Posted by: MaTT at February 10, 2004 10:52 PM

I love the beans thing.

Posted by: srah at February 11, 2004 09:00 PM

Naw, just the brand. I'm in the market for a quality baked bean that doesn't come in a can. You know, for the "lean times".

Posted by: Pauly D at February 11, 2004 09:11 PM

hehe - those squirrels, or, as I like to say "attack rodents"

I can't think of anything really clever! is my mind going?

Posted by: Urs at February 13, 2004 10:11 AM