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January 31, 2004

Squirrels and things...

Well, in the desire to post but not finding much to write about, i have decided that may i have to exert a little effort here (maybe a blog is like having kids -- they need to be encouraged in the beginning, and as they grow, you also grow as a [blog]parent... or something like that...)

Anyway, about squirrels... Today i saw a very fluffy squirrel with a quite un-fluffy tail, enough that it looked like his had fallen off and he had replaced it with a spare rat tail... I felt sorta bad for him (her?) and i had some leftover PopTart that i classically carry with me (don't ask), so i threw some bits of it to him. I guess he was so hungry that he actually ate some (getting so close to me that i could almost touch him). While i felt good that i was giving him nutrition, the fact that it was PopTarts providing the nutrients made me feel like i was also taking off years (months?) of his long-term life, as PopTarts are probably one of the most artificial, chemically-designed breakfast foods ever invented... (Of course i've eaten so many that i have built up an immunity to iocaine pow-- ... i mean, PopTarts...)

And secondly, go check out the Rackham building (ya know, the one that nobody knows about, but we had to send a separate application to?)... they are restoring it, and somebody must have been on a wacked-out acid trip when they were selecting the new color palette. If you can look down a hallway and see red, gold, and blue walls all in the same view, that is surely saying something (reminds me of a Kubrick movie set...).

Posted by MaTT at 01:20 AM | Comments (9)

January 26, 2004

Uhh, nothin...

Ya know, i think one of the craziest things about Ann Arbor is that for a week straight all kinds of wild weird things can happen, and then the next week it can be totally dead; nada; nothin... Maybe this week will be better...

Although i've never seen ice form on the *inside* of my car windows as much as here... makes for quite a mess when scraping that stuff off...

anyway, check out my sister's new blog -- she just landed in Japan on Saturday, so she should have alot to say lately: Meredy in Japan (i hope she keeps this one b/c this is the one i'm posting, and i like it. )

Posted by MaTT at 02:24 AM

January 16, 2004

Crazy: Part 1

Ok, on to what i started this blog for: detailing quirky, funny, completely new, crazy, or otherwise cock-your-head-to-one-side-and-or-raise-an-eyebrow events happening around UM... which seem to happen multiple times per day... amazingly enough. To die-hard Ann Arbor-ites, this will be most likely be common news and even odd that i would point out such natural things (like, "of course the squirrels are orange!"), but for people new to AA like me (5 months and counting), it is quite the opposite. So...

quick recap of a few days ago:

-- UM has a truck that drives around the campus, spraying some kind of liquid out the back (hopefully it is deicer)
-- UM also has these vehicles that instead of blowing the snow, they brush it it away with a big rotating cylinder

and Today (well, Thursday, technically):

-- as i was waiting for the UM Blue Bus in the whatever single degree weather it is here now, I see the Bus come barrelling down the hill from the Stadium, with none other than a bicyclist pedaling no more than 10 feet in front of the bus! With total disregard for speed, snow, and safety, he narrowly escaped vehicular collision by coasting through the stop sign, as the bus jammed its brakes and slid to a halt in front of us chilly bus-riders
-- yet another one: person (gender undeterminable), completely covered in wintery garments, including boots, coat, gloves, a hat and a scarf revealing only his/her eyes.... and pedaling a bicycle ... on the snowy, ice-covered sidewalks... thereby probably generating twice as much windchill and double the skinburn.
-- and the best: 7 foil-wrapped baked potatoes, strewn haplessly on a snowy walkway. who dropped those, and picked not one of them up? and why were they carrying them over the street-divider on N. University?

Posted by MaTT at 01:51 AM | Comments (7)

First Post


This is the world-wide debut of my first weblog post, so please be nice to the newbie :) I seemed to have caved to the enormouse social pressure inside to blog at UM:SI, seeing how badly i want to sit at the 'cool table' in the lunch room with the other bloggers... I can see it now: i'll be 'in the know', going to parties, getting dates, understanding the inside jokes, making contacts, landing great jobs... all from typing in this little box. Isn't technology amazing?!


Note to self: maybe i shouldn't start out my first blog post so ostentatiously...

Posted by MaTT at 01:33 AM | Comments (4)