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July 20, 2004

Everything But a Shave with my Haircut

Tonite i planned to finally get my hair cut, or at least trimmed, because i have been letting it grow longer over the past 3 months. I have been quite enjoying the response to the extended length, but i needed to get it trimmed at some point before i returned to A2, and having it done in July would let it regrow somewhat for when i return. I also wanted to see what a NY haircut was like.

So i leave work 15 minutes early so i can get in to the place before 7pm closing. There were 3 hair stylists there when i arrived, 2 women and a man. For some reason, i rarely have my hair cut by a man, and so this was interesting already. I got my hair washed, while the guy hummed to the music playing on 103.5 FM. Then i specified that i wanted it shorter, but not much shorter in the front. Soon, the scissors were flying -- so fast that i hoped i'd still have my ears after the chaos was over (i also found out the guy hummed all the time, irregardless of the tune being played). But sure enough, his cutting talent matched his speed, and $21 later, i came out with the best short haircut i've ever had. I still want it longer, but i think it will grow out nicely.

Then i rushed home, to get ready for the New York Philharmonic Orchestra concert in the Park, which my co-intern Linshi reminded me of 5 minutes before i left work today! I grabbed some food at the corner deli Lenny's, and some extra drinks for Linshi and her roommate, and jumped on the subway. Already late, i walked, - no, strided - toward Central Park. And of course, i was going in the wrong direction. Once i figured that out, i strided in the correct direction, beads of sweat gathering in my newly cut hair from the ridiculous humidity everpresent in the City. I got there, and now had to find Linshi -- among like 10,000 blanket-sitting, wine-drinking, overly-affectionate-with-their-partners orchestra purveyors surveyors. Once i walked all the way around the very traffic-controlling fence, i found Linshi and her roommate, and dropped into a little spot on their blanket. Fortunately we were relatively close to the stage, and also had a speaker right in front of us, so we could see and hear rather well. We ate and drank (only tea and juice; well, Linshi had a beer ;) ) and i fell asleep by the last 15 minutes or so, because it's so relaxing just to lie down outside, listening to a live orchestra. Then i said 'bye' to Linshi and Co., and crammed onto the '6' train to head home. And i mean *crammed*. I was literally squished inbetween people, such that i couldn't move at all. I explained to a lady squished in front of me that most of us were coming from the orchestra; she said she was jogging and heard them playing and saw the fireworks (oh yeah, there was a bit of fireworking afterward). We struck up a quick conversation (my second one to a complete subway stranger!), with her turning out to be a first-grade teacher.

Then i unsquished myself, and went food shopping, since 11pm is apparently not late enough to finish my day (what was i thinking?!). I went for bread, but ended up getting like 12 other things, like juice and ice cream and yogurt (i even caved and got one of those darn whipped ones again!) and spaghetti sauce, etc. Now i'm finally home and feel strangely like i'm imitating srah's extremely long posts about her wild weekend in France. (Maybe i am!)

Other extemporanea:
-- parking here costs up to $8.44/half hour, as compared to 50 cents per 30 minutes in Lancaster, PA
-- i saw some person walking a dog with little booties on - the dog, not the person! (is this is a medical thing, or does the owner not want the dog's feet to get filthy?)
-- my haircutting place was aptly named "Hair Cuts - Men and Women"
-- if you ever take a picture of your supermarket's amazing cathedral ceiling, don't stand right in front of the beer aisle...

Posted by MaTT at July 20, 2004 12:13 AM


I'd say they were more orchestra surveyors rather than purveyors. :)

Posted by: srah at July 20, 2004 05:25 AM

Thank you, my ever-fastidious editor %)

Posted by: MaTT at July 20, 2004 09:53 AM

Why didn't you get a shave too?

Posted by: srah at July 22, 2004 04:55 AM

Uh, b/c i wasn't at a "shave and a haircut" place... that's more like a barber.

Posted by: MaTT at July 22, 2004 10:52 AM

Oh, well you specifically mentioned not getting a shave, so I wondered.

Posted by: srah at July 22, 2004 02:19 PM

I was just trying to be witty, but apparently failing miserably at it... %)

Posted by: MaTT at July 22, 2004 02:39 PM


Posted by: srah at July 22, 2004 04:32 PM