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July 26, 2004


(Hmm, that title sounds like some scientific device, or a 1950's appliance...)

Thought i'd give a quick rundown of my weekend of museums and more. On Saturday i went with one of my SI friends (Miss A) to two museums, the Whitney Museum of American Art and the Guggenheim Museum. We originally wanted to visit Coney Island, but because of impending rain, we decided against it. The decision turned out to be a good one.

The Whitney was quite enjoyable, displaying alot of modern art, from unusual nature art by Ana Mendieta to intriguing word art by Ed Ruscha (see the exhibits page on the site for much better descriptions...). Then we met two other SI friends (Mr. J and Miss M) at the Guggenheim after walking the 8 or so blocks between museums. We arrived at the big white spiral teacup, and began observing the main exhibit of Constantin Brancusi. He is a sculptor who primarily deals with abstract white marble designs, alot of them looking like eggs with alien faces lying on their sides. There was also a more traditional side exhibit where we found some Renoir, Van Gogh, and Picasso. Then, out of the blue, Miss A. saw Kofi Annan, the United Nations Secretary-General! He was with his blond wife and two burly bodyguards, having a personal tour by whom i assume was the curator. Miss M. took some pics with her camera phone, and we followed him down the spiral, watching him mosey through the crowds, mostly unseen, until he got to the base of the museum, and people could really see him. It was cool :)

Then Miss A. and I relaxed in Central Park while the other two met some other friends. We soon found out that they went to get Broadway tickets from the 50% off TKTS place. So we said we'd see whatever they got, and they bought Phantom of the Opera tickets! Wow! :D So, even tho Mr. J. and Miss. M. decided not to go, Miss A. and i attended. We had great seats for getting tix an hour before the show, and the play was great. I like PotO music alot, and seeing the actors and hearing the live performance was even better. I felt a bit underdressed, but hey, it was dark most of the time anyway... :) I've been wanting to go to a Broadway play this summer, and now it happened. Miss A. and i got some very late dinner outside Grand Central Station (because Times Square/Broadway looked like New Year's Eve, with all the crazy people) and then we parted our respective ways for Brooklyn and Midtown, ending a long but very eventful (and for the most part unplanned) day.

Posted by MaTT at July 26, 2004 11:56 PM