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May 15, 2004

On to NYC

**UPDATE** False alarm -- well, a postponement really. My friend Kyle with whom i'm staying (and taking over his apt.) is quite sick today, so i will be going to NYC tomorrow morning. A bit close to my first work day (monday) but i think it will be better for all parties if he is well when i move in. So, let the excitement begin... tomorrow.

Well, in 13 hours i will be on my way to one of the craziest things i have ever done: moving to New York City for 3 months to begin work at my summer internship. The company is CCH-WallStreet, and by the title you may surmise that it is located smack-dab right in the heart of downtown Manhattan (and you would be correct). I will be living approximately 6 miles north of my skyscraper-enclosed place of employment, near Central Park. I've been told it is quiet and safe, so hopefully that is true and i won't be fearing for my life every time i race back and forth between the subway and my apartment door. Fortunately i have a few friends there, including some others from SI, so all is not so daunting.

I've been to NYC many times, for Broadway plays seen during high school and computer shows during college, but i've never stayed there for more than a day at a time, and certainly not lived nor worked there. What is big business in New York like? I'm imagining a stiff-backed, dark-suited, stern-faced IBM type employee. Yet, it could also be the next-gen, uber-fashionable, double-mocha-latte-drinking, hyperactive, 16-hour-day workaholic type... Either way, this small-town PA boy (upgraded to big-university-town Ann Arbor) is in for alot of adventure.

Speaking of adventure, please notice my blog's new name, entitled just for experiences like this. So, stay tuned for Crazy New York City :)

Posted by MaTT at May 15, 2004 02:32 PM


Be brave, Small-Town PA Boy!

(Sounds like the lamest superhero ever?)

Posted by: srah at May 15, 2004 09:04 AM

New York can't be THAT dangerous, after all, I was fine walking from the subway station in Times Square to my hostel at, oh, 12:30 in the morning? So you will be fine, it'll be great.

When I go to a new place, I try not to have any expectations at all, thus I am never dissappointed and always thrilled by the new experiences. So everything will be fine, you'll end up with tons of stories and great experiences, so don't worry, I mean it!

Posted by: Urs at May 15, 2004 10:40 AM

NYC is fun and can't be as dangerous as Detroit where I'm working. I'm sure you'll have a blast!

Posted by: cari at May 15, 2004 10:45 AM